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Infiltrator Leaching Chambers

This 2-hour seminar will provide the benefits and capabilities of Infiltrator Water Technology’s leaching chambers. Use scenarios will be discussed along with design & installation requirements. The component O&M will be covered as will the PSMA inspection...

Eljen Geotextile Sand Filters

This 2-hour course will familiarize wastewater professionals with the Eljen GSF treatment system. This alternate classification permits the use of the GSF as a treatment system used for the specific purposes of reducing BOD5 and TSS in the sewage effluent. The course...

Ecoflo Biofilters

This 2-hour seminar covers Ecoflo Coco Biofilters which are advanced treatment systems that have been approved for use in PA as alternate systems. The focus will be the new EC7 Coco filter models. The seminar will provide a technical overview of the Coco filter system...

Soil as a Treatment Media

This 2-hour class will focus on the three dimensional soil pedon as a treatment media for on-lot waste water dispersal. As waste water passes through the soil, various aspects of soil play a part in the renovation of the waste water. Those aspects are the disciplines...